【一念瑜伽(Tapas Yoga HK) - 放鬆的力量:瑜伽練習中的心態轉變】
筆者 -
認識我的人都知道我很容易緊張,練習時也不例外。Usha老師非常了解我的性格,今天在我做 Uthitha Hasta Padangustasana 時,她注意到我很緊張。她停下來告訴我:「你太緊繃了,所有肌肉都變得緊繃。你只需要放鬆,專注於調動需要的肌肉。」
Have you ever tried practicing with your teacher‘s guidance? I gave it a shot today, and it felt truly magical.
Those who know me are aware that I get nervous easily, and this is no exception during practice. Teacher Usha understands my personality very well. Today, while I was doing Uthitha Hasta Padangustasana, she noticed that I was tense. She paused to tell me, ”You’re too tense; all your muscles are tight. Just relax and focus on engaging the muscles you need.“
So, I took her advice into the rest of my practice. In my last pose, which has always been a challenge for me, the assistant encouraged me to relax and helped me complete it. When I tried to relax, I was able to grasp my toes on my own! It turns out that the key is to relax your mind, even letting go of thoughts, judgments, and expectations, so your body can perform naturally.
This experience taught me that relaxation not only helps us progress in yoga but also embodies a wisdom for life. I hope everyone can try practicing with their teacher‘s guidance, letting go of tension and allowing themselves to explore more freely.
It was a magical experience, and I encourage everyone to come @tapas.yoga.hk and feel it together!
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