【一念瑜伽(Tapas Yoga HK) - 兩個月印度之行:最大的得着與學習心得分享】
筆者 -
以上片段是剛剛 Kathy 拍的,我們正在討論這兩個月最大的得着是甚麼🎁?
今年從不同的人身上學習到很多,特別是 Moon,他是我的學習榜樣。他常常說「朋友,不要壓力」和「沒關係」,很欣賞他這種「豁達」,我會好好學習。
The video was just filmed by Kathy, and we’re discussing what the biggest takeaway has been these past two months 🎁.
Looking back, people used to ask me, “Why spend two months in India within a year?” or “India is dangerous, don’t go.” But for me, it’s really important to visit India once a year.
Although the daily practice is tough, I gain so much every day. Every time I come here, I notice so many changes in myself.
I don’t have expectations about life in India, so I’m never disappointed. Because I don’t carry expectations, I discover, learn, and experience so much more.
This year, I’ve learned a lot from different people, especially from Moon, who is a role model for me. He often says, “No pressure, my friend” and “It’s okay.” I really admire his “broad-mindedness,” and I will try to learn from him.
What has been your biggest takeaway this year?
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