【一念瑜伽(Tapas Yoga HK) - Mysore 生活改變:每次經歷都帶來成長與啟發】
筆者 -
Mysore 生活改變:每次經歷都帶來成長與啟發
我每次嚟 Mysore 生活,都覺得自己會有啲改變。每一次嘅經歷都好特別,有不同層面的成長。
今次呢個 season 對我嚟講特別有意義,唔單止係因為學校呢段時間嘅特別安排,仲因為呢次係我第一次同其他人分享屋企生活。呢個改變令我多咗機會同唔同嘅人交流,喺呢啲互動入面,我從朋友身上發現咗好多美好嘅事物,學到好多嘢,同時都了解自己更多。
Every time I come to Mysore, I feel like I go through some changes. Each experience is unique and brings growth on different levels.
This season has been especially meaningful to me, not only because of the special arrangements at the shala during this period, but also because it’s my first time sharing a living space with others. This change gave me more opportunities to connect with different people. Through these interactions, I discovered so many beautiful things from my friends, learned a lot, and gained a deeper understanding of myself.
Each of them is a teacher to me, and they made me realize that growth doesn’t just come from personal practice but also from the inspiration and connection we find with others.
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元朗分館:+852 68287318
荃灣/荔枝角分館:+852 54700838
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- 元朗安樂路129號基達中心206F(朗屏西鐵站E出口步行3分鐘)
- 荃灣大河道99號99廣場19樓05室
- 荔枝角永康街55-57號金百盛中心25樓2503室
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