【一念瑜伽(Tapas Yoga HK) - Eka Pada Sirsasana:力量與放下的平衡之道】
筆者 -
Eka Pada Sirsasana:力量與放下的平衡之道
Yoga is a constant reminder of the balance between strength and surrender.
Eka Pada Sirsasana (One-Leg-Behind-the-Head Pose) challenges not just the body, but the mind. It’s a practice of trust—trusting the process, the body, and the lessons that unfold in discomfort.
Here in Mysore, I’m learning that true flexibility comes not from force, but from patience and mindfulness. Yoga teaches us that the journey is as meaningful as the pose itself. Grateful for every moment of growth on and off the mat.
Eka Pada Sirsasana 唔單止挑戰身體,仲考驗心智。呢個體式係一個信任嘅練習——信任過程、信任自己嘅身體,仲有喺不適入面浮現出嚟嘅課題。
喺 Mysore 呢度,我發現真正嘅柔軟唔係靠逼出嚟嘅,而係來自耐性與覺知。瑜伽教曉我,過程同體式本身一樣有意義。好感恩喺墊上墊下每一刻嘅成長。
📸 @just2nite
📍 🇮🇳 Mysore
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