【一念瑜伽(Tapas Yoga HK) - Mysore 第三週:瑜伽不只是體式的探索】
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Mysore 第三週:瑜伽不只是體式的探索
在 Mysore 的第三週
來到 Mysore 學瑜伽,每一日都好似一次內在嘅探索,挑戰住身體同心靈嘅極限。
Sharathji 同 Chanting 老師成日提醒我哋:「體式/做動作(asana)唔係瑜伽練習,瑜伽練習唔單止係體式/做動作(asana)。」呢句說話真係令我印象好深刻。
其實,體式就好似整 Pizza 時其中一種材料,重要,但唔係全部。想整到一個完整嘅瑜伽「Pizza」,仲要加埋其他「功夫」,好似調息(pranayama)、持戒(yama)、精進(niyama)、唱誦(chanting)、冥想(meditation)等等。
Week 3 in Mysore
Every day in Mysore feels like an inner journey, challenging both my body and mind to their limits.
Sharathji and the Chanting teacher often remind us: ”Asanas (poses) are not the entirety of yoga practice. Yoga practice is much more than just asanas.“ This statement deeply resonated with me.
In fact, asanas are like one ingredient in making a pizza—important, but not everything. To create a complete yoga ”pizza,“ you need to add other ”essentials,“ such as pranayama (breathing techniques), yama (ethical restraints), niyama (personal disciplines), chanting, and meditation.
My learning here has made me realize the profound depth of yoga. It‘s not just a physical challenge but also a process of mental refinement and spiritual growth.
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