【一念瑜伽(Tapas Yoga HK) - Mysore 之旅後的生活啟程:迎接新年,重返日常】
筆者 -
Mysore 之旅後的生活啟程:迎接新年,重返日常
剛剛從印度 Mysore 回到香港(啱啱落機),感覺仲未完全適應返日常生活嘅節奏。仲未有時間好好回顧 2024 年同埋過去兩個月喺印度嘅點點滴滴,就已經要投入準備工作嘅狀態了!
✨ 新年後見!✨
🌟 Life After Mysore Begins 🌟 Just landed back in Hong Kong from Mysore, India, and I still feel like I haven’t fully adjusted to the rhythm of daily life yet. I haven’t even had the chance to reflect on 2024 and my two-month journey in India, but it’s already time to dive straight into work!
I’m so excited to continue sharing the joy of yoga with all of you in the new year, and I truly appreciate your continuous support and encouragement! 🙏
During the Lunar New Year, remember to take some time to rest and recharge, keeping both your body and mind relaxed! 💆♂️🧘♀️
✨ See you all after the New Year! ✨ I’ll return to class with fresh energy and can’t wait to see you there! 💪
#YogaLife #MysoreJourney #DailyYoga #YogaTeacher #newyearnewstart #瑜伽生活 #印度瑜伽之旅 #Mysore日常 #瑜伽導師分享 #新年新開始
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- 元朗安樂路129號基達中心206F(朗屏西鐵站E出口步行3分鐘)
- 荃灣大河道99號99廣場19樓05室
- 荔枝角永康街55-57號金百盛中心25樓2503室
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